Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The People Who Will Probably Vote Republican

They are kind of scary people.  Well, the people who watch GOP debates are anyway.  It certainly gives a view of the things that they like or dislike.  "Past audience members have booed a gay soldier and cheered at the thought of letting a hypothetical uninsured man die."  Last night they cheered when Herman Cain blamed the unemployed for being unemployed.  (

"Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself."  So no wonder the GOP doesn't have a jobs plan.  Why should they bother with one if it's just the unemployed people's fault.  And why should they support LGBT?  Or the uninsured?  Those voting for them have shown which way they should go.

Now, they do love the silver haired man from CNN.  They booed Rick Perry when he got testy with the moderator, Anderson Cooper.  (

Good to have your priorities straight.

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