Friday, October 14, 2011

Respect for Marriage

Some do, some don't.  Now there are some polygamists who are protesting same-sex marriage, saying “Marriage should be only for a man and his wives.”  Right that's plural.   Not sure if polygamist and bigot Dr. Martin Bell realizes that polygamy is illegal. (  Not sure, with his sixth wife being only 14 when he married her, if that is a respect for marriage.  Bell is being investigated for fraud, rape of a minor, false imprisonment, and polygamy.  But let him protest.

The Veterans Affairs office in Hartford doesn't seem to respect marriage either.  A disabled Navy vet is suing because she can't get the same type of benefits that many straight couples get, because she is married to a woman.  The Defense of Marriage Act does not respect Carmen Cardona, an 18 year veteran, and her spouse's marriage.  Obama has stopped defending DOMA, but House Speaker John Boehner is hell bent to defend it, even if it means bankrupting the United States. (

However, there is some Respect for Marriage.  And this is surprising.  Not that a Senate Committee is going to vote on repealing DOMA, but the first place I read about it was on Faux News.  ( "Sen. Patrick Leahy says the Senate Judiciary Committee he heads will vote next month on legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act."  And the legislation is called Respect for Marriage.

About time we get some respect.

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