Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just Toss it Over There...

It seems some Republicans do have a "jobs" plan.  Maybe not the Republicans in Washington, D.C., but the ones in the state of Florida.  Now, this little plan for jobs is only for a certain group of people.  That being dwarfs.  Rep. Ritch Workman (R) is spearheading an effort to repeal a longstanding ban on "dwarf-tossing."  (

Workman says  "All we really did by passing that law was take away some employment from some little people."  And the little people?  They labeled the activity as an event where "the person with dwarfism is objectified and dehumanized in the name of 'entertainment.'"  But, really, why should Workman worry about that?  He is not a dwarf.

Workman says "I'm on a quest to seek and destroy unnecessary burdens on the freedom and liberties of people."

Wonder what he thinks about same-sex marriage?

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