Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hot Girl or Maverick?

Well, in her own eyes, Sarah Palin is a maverick.  At least that is what she told Greta Van Sustern:  "someone like me, who's a maverick -- you know, I do go rogue and I call it like I see it" when she was asked if she was going to make a decision soon on running for president.  (  And this was on Faux News. 

But elsewhere in Faux News news, Fox News president Roger Ailes has a different view of Mrs. Palin.  In a recent interview with the Associated Press concerning his 15th anniversary at Faux News, he told them "I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings."   He also has said that he thought Good Ol' Sarah was "stupid" and "an idiot".  (

That does say a lot about Faux News.  It really isn't just "Fair and Balanced" political reporting.  It's all about high ratings and Hot Girls....

Got it.  And she ain't that hot...

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