Friday, October 7, 2011

Just Need to Save the Money

Yesterday, it was pointed out that in an effort to create jobs, the government in Florida was going to allow dwarf tossing so the little people could get work.  Today, in an effort to save money, the government in Kansas is taking another step.  Topeka is going to legalize Domestic Violence.  "Shawnee County District Attorney Chad Taylor announced ... that he isn't going to prosecute misdemeanors anymore, which includes those for domestic violence, because he's too broke to deal with it."  (

The county commission has voted to cut the DA's budget by 10%.  So, in order to just save some money, the Topeka City Council decided to repeal the city code that makes domestic battery illegal.  That has allowed dozens of domestic violence case to be turned away and three alleged offenders released from jail.

Smart move.  And as pointed out by Kari Ann Rinker, the coordinator of the Kansas chapter of the National Association for Women, the DA's problem is with funding in 2012... and this is only 2011.

Oh, and October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.  Nice job.

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