Monday, August 22, 2011

A Square Circle

It must have something to do with fitting a square peg in a round hole, maybe?  But, no, it is what the National Organization of Marriage said today about "same-sex marriage".  According to Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse of the Ruth Institute, saying "same-sex marriage" is like saying "square circle" because "such an entity is not possible." (

Now, granted, it is obvious that a square can't be a circle and a circle can't be a square.  But a marriage can be with the same sex (and not the kind where you just do it the same way every time).  She also doesn't think that "genderless marriage" works real well either.  She says "Gender is essential to marriage."  Well, ok, it is.  Female is a gender.  If two females get married then you have two genders and that is essential to the marriage.  If you only have one female married, well, then that is whole nother term entirely.

Ok, Dr. Morse, don't say "Same-Sex Marriage" anymore.  If I have dinner with a girlfriend, I don't call it "Same-Sex Dinner".  I just call it Dinner.  (Thanks to a comment on the I-bet-this-turkey-can-get-more-fans-than-NOM facebook page for that one).

So, just call it marriage.

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