Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Makin' Your Truck Look More Manly

No, really.  "Truck nuts, fake bull testicles made of plastic or metal that drivers hang on the back of their pickups to make a truck look more manly".  (

But are they indecent?  The South Carolina code of laws says that they might be.  And a woman there was given a $445 ticket for violating the obscenity laws.  The woman's attorney will argue whether these large, red, plastic testicles are “really an accurate depiction of a human body part.”  So they are going to court.

David Hudson, a First Amendment attorney and scholar thinks they may have a case.  They just might be able to prove that the South Carolina law is “unconstitutionally vague and unconstitutionally board, and it violates the First Amendment.”

Now, on the other hand... Jay Bender, a lawyer and professor at the University of South Carolina thinks the police chief who issued the ticket is... well... “He is nuts”


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