Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Thanks For Making it Clear

It is so nice when you are unsure of what you are supposed to be and someone comes along and just clears it all up for you.  Thankfully there were two such "clearers" today.  Both of them must know exactly what it means, since they are so vocal with their opinions and stance on the issue.  What is it to be gay?  Well, let's find out.

Allen West is a Republican U.S. Representative who represents Florida's 22nd congressional district.  He says that being gay is like preferring chocolate chip ice cream.  Or it could be compared to riding a scooter. He chooses to ride a motorcycle, why should he choose to ride a scooter?  Now, he has also said that gay marriage will lead to the end of society (although last I looked Massachusetts and New York were still there).

On a different tack, Rick Santorum, a lawyer and a former United States Senator from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (not the frothy mix that pops up in some google results), wants to ensure that we all know that calling gay marriage a marriage is like calling a napkin a paper towel.  "You can call it whatever you want but it doesn't change the character of what it is to the metaphysical," he continued.  So, metaphysically, gay marriage is a paper towel... not a napkin. (

Allen West also said “Now everyone has the same basic rights, and no one is telling people in the gay community that they don't have the same basic rights that any American has." Not sure he actually meant that one.  And Rick Santorum also stated that "water is water and marriage is marriage."  He said you could try and call water beer, but it was still water.  Gay marriage is like a beer, got it.

Anybody want a beer? 

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