Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Judicial Activism

Found this article on the Unicorn Booty Facebook page.  Pretty much a Houston, TX judge has ordered that a man cannot leave his children with male doctors, male teachers, or male pastors.  The actual wording was that he can't leave "his children alone with any man not related to them by blood or adoption". (Advocate.com)

You see, it all revolves around a custody issue and a divorce which probably resulted from one of the parents "coming out."  William Flowers divorced his wife in 2004 and wanted custody of the children.  He married Jim Evans last year in Connecticut. And the court has decided that the ex-wife still gets custody, but Flowers can continue his visits as long as he doesn't leave the kids alone with anybody not blood related, including his husband - the kids' stepfather.

Now, "lawyers who practice family law in Houston (and requested anonymity) described the order as patently anti-gay,” according to an article in the Houston Chronicle by Geoff Berg. An Austin family law attorney, Jennifer Cochran, who was willing to be quoted, says "it’s judicial activism, legislating from the bench.”

There may never be equality in this country.

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