Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What is the Gay Agenda in Valdez, Colo?

There must be one.  A 5.3 magnitude earthquake struck just hours before the 5.8 temblor in Viriginia.  And of course  the Amazon region of Peru must have one heck of a gay agenda.  Their earthquake today was even larger then either the Colorado one or the Virginia one at 6.8.  The gays must just be running the streets in both places.

Why, you ask?  Well, Rabbi Yehuda Levin, a New York City-based rabbi, has blamed “homosexual marriage” as the cause of yesterday’s east coast earthquake. He's also the guy who blamed the dismemberment killing of an eight-year old New York City Jewish boy on gay marriage.  (New Civil Rights Movement)

But maybe it is just Virginia that is deserving the wrath of God.  Although it seems that the gay agenda isn't really all that big there either.  You see, "this earthquake hit in one of the most anti-LGBT states in the union." (  And of course, the hurricane aimed at North Carolina?  Must be the gays fault too.  Although NC is currently debating a Constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex unions. 

Maybe God really likes the gays and is trying to stop the homophobia?? 

P.S.  The best way to explain the earthquake though might be what was posted on Facebook last night:

Seismologists have determined that the earthquake in Washington, D.C. was not caused by a fault line, but by our founding fathers rolling over in their graves.

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