Monday, August 29, 2011

How Much?

Basically, that is the question that Presidential Hopeful Michele Bachmann is asking.  How much does God have to do to prove His point?  What does he have to do to "get the attention of the politicians"?  Obviously this thing that is happening right now (Hurricane Irene) should be enough to get the current political farce - er force - to realize that things are bad and God has delivered the message that things have to be changed!  (

Michele says that the "government is on a morbid obesity diet" and the hurricane is a warning to watch what the Government eats.  Not sure that a 'different' government was any better off, say, oh six years ago, but obviously those in power then, didn't listen to the voice of God. And He sent a larger message -- a little thing called Hurricane Katrina.

And maybe what happened over the weekend in D.C. and New York wasn't really the big message that Michele thinks it was.  Below is a comparison of some of the attention getting statistics. 

Deaths Total 1,836 Missing 135

Cost refers to total estimated property damage Rank Hurricane Season Damages
Katrina 2005 $108 billion (

Now, on the other side of the fence, Irene's early totals are not nearly as intense:

Hurricane Irene has led to the deaths of at least 31 people in 10 states

The total damage inflicted by Hurricane Irene may reach $7 billion

There seems to be a big, BIG difference between the two messages.  Perhaps God doesn't agree with Michele.  Or maybe the message was that God was pissed off at the odd candidates that are running for the next election.

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