Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Clothes Make the Man...

Or the woman, I guess.  Back on July 9th, a woman went to Dollywood with her partner and their family.  She was wearing a t-shirt on that said "Marriage is so gay" in support of gay marriage.  A park worker asked her to turn the shirt inside out so as not to offend anybody at the "family park".  The woman did as she was told but sent a letter afterwards asking that Dollywood be a tad more inclusive of LGBTs and all kinds of families. (ABCNews)

Now, this past weekend, Walmart was not thrilled with the clothes that a particular Oregon woman chose to wear to the store.  She was at the store shopping in her bikini top and was asked to put a shirt on over it.  The store employee claimed she "may be violating health regulations".  (CBSNews)

The Oregon woman actually has an attorney over the dress-code violation.

Dolly Parton has apologized to the lesbian, saying she is "truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment."  If you click on the link to CBS you can see the picture of the bikini-clad Oregon woman.  And really, doesn't Walmart know who shops in the stores?  Have they never heard of PeopleofWalmart.com?

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