Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Can You Pray Away the Weigh?

Now, there are some out there that think you can pray for or against anything.  Just Google Pray Away the Gay and you get a list of articles (mostly about Michele Bachmann and a few with Sarah Palin).  Then there is Rick Perry's attempt this past weekend to "Pray Away America's National Decline".  But, is it possible to pray away fat people?  Well, maybe it is -- pray away the fat in people.

A pastor in Mississippi "is now urging fellow African-American congregations nationwide to make the health of their members a priority." (FoxNews.com) This after he banned fried chicken from the fellowship hall at the church.  What?? No fried chicken in a Southern church?  Wow.

Now it takes more than just long-winded sermons on the sin of gluttony.  And sometimes people listen more to their pastor then they do their doctor.  "A pastor can tell someone what to do, and they'll take it as a scientific fact," says director of the Office of Preventative Health, Victor Sutton.  (Seems like an odd title for a department -- preventing health??)

But it is scary.  Just think of all the Right-Wing presidential hopefuls who like to preach politics.

Can somebody pass the chicken??

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