Wednesday, August 31, 2011

It's Just Like Paying Taxes

There is that fight in the government that to help with the U.S. deficit, all they need to do is raise taxes.  Now the fight continues since the GOP tax pledge doesn't sit well with raising taxes.  Even Republican Candidate leader Rick Perry says he’d push for a tax system that would be “as light on the job creators as you can be". ( The job creators (are there really any of those out there?) need to be protected?  The country needs to be in debt so that the corporate leaders of America would have it easier?

Well, it seems that the would-be job creators are already benefiting from that, yet the jobless rate increases.  "Of last year's 100 highest-paid corporate executives in the United States, 25 earned more in pay than their company recorded as a tax expense in 2010." ( So, these corporations average global profits of $1.9 BILLION and yet they aren't hiring anybody.  Places like Verizon, GE, eBay are dodging taxes, and rewarding their CEOs for the evasion.

Maybe it is time to raise those damn taxes!  The ratio of CEO pay to the average U.S. worker's compensation is 325 to 1.  With those kind of odds, one would think they can afford it!

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