Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dancing with the Stars

A lot of people are really pissed that ABC has decided to cast Chaz Bono in the upcoming season of DWTS.  Comments on the ABC site says things like "I am sick and tired of the homosexual agenda being shoved in my face!"  And "I will not accept sin no matter how “popular” it is in hollywood."  They accuse ABC of throwing junk in "our faces" and forcing "liberalism down our throats."  (

Now, there are some who support the casting.  One of course being Chaz's mom, Cher. @Cher "I support him no matter what he chooses 2do! God! will there always be haters! It took COURAGE 2 do dwts ! TG Chaz has an Unlimited supply."  And WebProNews does state that the supporters outweigh the detractors.

If I remember correctly there was another person who was on the show who may or may not have been suited for it.  Actually, it has been noted that this particular person had "an evident lack of natural dancing talent." (

Where were complainers when she was on the show?  Why did we have to endure having conservatism being shoved in our faces and shoved down our throats?

Bet Chaz does better than Bristol

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