Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Oh the (Not So) Friendly Skies

Earlier this week, an actress was "kicked off" a Southwest Airlines flight for an "excessive" display of affection to her girlfriend.  She and her girlfriend were reportedly kissing.  While being escorted from the plane, the stewardess informed Leisha Hailey that SWA was a "family" airline and the multiple complaints from other passengers prompted the kicking off. (LezGetReal.com)

That does sound a bit homophobic and just a tad hateful.  What kind of "family" doesn't like to see kissing?  The National Gay Pilots Association (NGPA) opposes any premature boycott measures against Southwest Airlines, though.  They say that SWA "has strict non-discrimination policies [and] is actively working ... to enhance their policies and employee training."  (JoeMyGod)

But there is still that feeling of hate.  It seems to be prevalent in this world towards those who are not "straight".  Even the Catholic church has a bit of hate towards people in same-sex relationships.  Timothy Dolan of New York, the head Archbishop, yelled at President Obama for not defending the Defense of Marriage Act.  He says it would "precipitate a national conflict between church and state of enormous proportions."  He reiterated the feeling that "traditional marriage is best for society."  (USAToday.com)

And Gay Marriage is horrible?  And probably two girls kissing on a plane is icky?

The Archbishop rants about the "conflict between church and state" but where oh where is that "separation" that is supposed to be there?

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