Monday, September 19, 2011

It's War!!

Well, that is probably what the GOP will think.  President Obama says it is not "Class Warfare just math" when it comes to his new deficit reduction plan.  Most of the rich people out there, however, are going to think that it is a warfare against the upper class.  "Obama's plan would end Bush-era tax cuts for top earners and would limit their deductions."  (

But the Republicans have already cringed at the plan.  They have insisted that tax increases should play no part in taming the nation's escalating national debt.  They want to cut Medicare payments.  But Obama said: "I will not support any plan that puts all the burden for closing our deficit on ordinary Americans."  And he plans to veto any such plans.

So, what are the wealthy to do?  Oh, no!  How is it possible that they will survive having to pay their fair share?  Rep. John Flemming (R-LA) is a victim of class warfare, or so he says.  (PamsHouseBlend)  After he pays taxes he only has .... wait for it.... wait for it.... $400,000 to feed his family.

$400,000 to "feed his family".  Well, for those of us who make 10% of that - before taxes, or less... how the hell are we supposed to feed ours?

The war has begun.

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