Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bringing the Vagina into the Run for President

Yep, it was only a matter of time.  With all of the "dicks" running for the GOP ticket, it is now time to bring a "bearded clam" into the race.  Michele not-a-scientist Bachmann had to mention something at the last debate about Gov. Rick Perry's order that girls in Texas need to get an HPV vaccination when they turn 12.  Now, there are many parts of this that are wrong.

HPV, or Human papillomavirus, can lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women. (  So, while it sounds very nice for Perry to require that young girls are protected from a potential cancer causer, his intentions may not have been as noble.  It seems that Mr. Perry received political donations from the firm that created the vaccine ( And although HPV can also affect males with anal or penal cancer, they weren't required to get the shot.

Now, on the other side, good ol' Michelle sees this as governmental meddling into the lives of "innocent little 12-year old girls".  She even insinuates that the vaccine would put girls at risk for mental retardation (which is not true, to say the least). And another good ol' girl, Sarah P., praises Bachmann for going up against the "big guns". (  But, just as the Washington Post suggests, would Mrs. Bachmann or Mrs. Palin be against other governmental meddling like preventing polio, chicken pox or the measles.

So, now besides Michele - and maybe someday Sarah, we have a vagina in the race.  More important than deficits, unemployment and poverty levels, I am sure.

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