Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where is the love?

Obviously it is not with the Tea Partiers or the Right Wingers.  It is amazing how they like to throw around all the holy words of Leviticus (18:22), yet are really not reading the entire book.  In Leviticus 19:18 and in 19:34 it does say that you got to love the neighbors and love the strangers as you would love yourself.  Not seeing that recently among the TP or the RW.

Back on September 8, 2011, there were stories about how the crowd at a GOP-hopefuls debate loudly cheered when Rick Perry brought up his record 234 being executed.  The state of Texas and their governor don't love everybody above themselves.  (Telegraph.co.uk) Then last night at another such debacle - er debate - Wolf Blizter asked Ron Paul, another Texas lovely, if a man went into a coma and didn't have health insurance, should society just let him die?  And members of that TP crowd yelled "Yeah!" (Huffingtonpost.com)

So where is the love?  And then there is the "sanctity of marriage".  The North Carolina General Assembly just approved a bill that will ban gay marriage.  But, Pat Robertson, the 700 Club Christian advises a man whose wife is suffering from Alzheimer's to just divorce her and marry somebody else.  Real Nice.  (RightWingWatch.org)

Kill the sinners, kill the uninsured and forget marriage if you can get some somewhere better.  That is the definition of the love that the Tea Partiers and the Right Wingers have.

Oh, for the Love of...

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