Friday, September 30, 2011

Something's are Enormous

Maybe it is his ego or maybe his ass, but Newt Gingrich is aiming for enormous and saving America.  Newt unveiled his new set of policy proposals, a “21st Century Contract With America,” and said that  “The scale of change I am suggesting is so enormous."  It is the same type of  Republican solutions and campaign boilerplate that we have seen from other candidates who are trying to save the world.

But, there is more to good ol' Newt then just his saving of America.  He also thinks that same-​sex marriage is a “temporary aberration,” because really marriage is supposed to be between one man and one woman.  And gay marriage equality "fundamentally goes against everything we know."  He must know, right?  He has been married three times, divorced twice and left his cancer-stricken wife to marry his third wife. The New Civil Rights Movement

That is some scale of change.  Did he make a contract with any of his wives?  Were any of them surprised at his enormous change.

Probably the only thing enormous for Newt.

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