Friday, September 16, 2011

What is 12%?

When you do a Google search on "12 Percent", you can get some interesting returns:  12 percent = 0.12, 12 Percent - Importer of Fine Ales, Rams TV rating down 12 percent vs. 2010 opener, Violent crime plunges 12 percent in US in 2010.  Now if you are not into calculators, beer, St. Louis Football or violent crimes, then this information isn't going to do you any good.

Another interesting return from this little search does bring up something interesting.  "Poll: Just 12% happy with Congress."  Yep, that's it.  The current congress got only a 12% thumbs up.  This is the "lowest percentage [since] ...October 2008." (  And it is pretty much everybody.  "Dissatisfaction with Congress cuts across party lines. Republicans, Democrats, and independents all overwhelmingly disapprove of the job Congress is doing."

On some better(?) news, it seems the overwhelming winners in 2010 aren't doing so well, as "most Americans disapprove of Republicans more."  Not that this is overwhelming - 72% disapprove Reps vs. 63% disapprove Dems.  (Doubt too many Dems are going to write home about that number).

So, 14 months to go and only 12% happiness.  Maybe we need some beer and football to get us through...  Google that.

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