Friday, September 2, 2011

Leave it Faux News

Yesterday on this blog, the story of Chaz Bono's scheduled appearance on Dancing with the Stars and the reaction of some in the comments sections of different publications was addressed.  Today's topic is similar.  A contributing writer to Faux News has written his own take on Dancing with Chaz Bono.  He is instructing the world to not "let your kids watch".

Dr. Keith Ablow is a psychiatrist and member of the Fox News Medical A-Team (do they have a "B-Team"?).  He insists that we not applaud Chaz for taking the step to finally realize who he is.  Dr. Ablow likens transgender surgery to the "woman who believes she will be happier without arms, has them removed and then continues to assert that she was right all along—her self-concept was that of a double amputee."  Or he says the one who "believes that his species, rather than gender, is what is amiss and asks a plastic surgeon to build him a tail of flesh harvested from his abdomen."  (

These are absolutely preposterous examples.

Dr. Ablow also says the "last thing vulnerable children and adolescents need to watch is a captive crowd in a studio audience applaud on cue for someone search[ing] for an identity."  Although he did write a book "Living the Truth: Transform Your Life Through the Power of Insight and Honesty."  Perhaps that is just what Chaz did.

Makes you wonder if the good doctor has ever seen Russian Dolls, Jersey Shore, Dr. 90210, Bridalplasty or The Biggest Loser.  All of the participants on these shows, and countless others, are searching for a new identity.  But obviously, money-grubbing, plastic surgery and weight loss are so much better than sexual identity.

Primarily, Faux News is merely perused during the day to offer a laugh - reading some of the nonsense that is posted there. 

This is one of those that really takes the cake.  Should be on the Food Channel

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