Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Really Mitt? Really?

It's bad enough that you donate money to anti-gay hate groups: "The Romney family's Tyler Charitable Foundation donated $10,000 in one year to the anti-gay Massachusetts Family Institute—a Boston based organization that promotes ex-gay therapy." (Gay.net) But now you are aligning yourself with a guy who says that teh gayz caused the 9/11 tragedy?  Really?

It must be important to win the right-wing, ultra-conservative GOP nod.  And it also must be important to blame everything on Marriage Equality and Gays.  Pastor Roberto Miranda spoke in 2006 to 'counter' the radical “homosexual agenda” that he believes will destroy religious freedom.  He told the group in Boston that since Massachusetts had allowed same-sex marriages and the planes on 9/11 had left from Boston there was "prophetic significance."  (Gay.net) And  now he is one of the conservative leaders who authored “Florida Social Conservatives Sign on to Letter Praising Mitt Romney’s Record.”

Not sure you want that record, Mitt... crazy is as crazy does.

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