Friday, January 6, 2012


And not just of the recreational variety.  It is one of the main arguments that people put out there as to why same-sex marriage should not be allowed.  During a 'conversation' in New Hampshire with some students, Rick Santorum said "God made men and woman to keep civilization and provide the best environment  to raise children.”  He doesn't necessarily care if people have relationships, “I have no problem if people want to have relationships, but marriage provides a good to society. It’s unique because it is the union that causes children to be raised.”  (

So, technically, he is not against gay sex.  He is just against gay marriage.  Now, the Hartford Archdiocese has a different view on the whole thing.  “The church is not against people with same-sex attraction, just their acting out sexually.”  ( They have launched a new program called 'Courage' which encourages gay Catholics to live a 'chaste' life by abstaining from having sex, whether they are legally married (as is possible in the state) or not.

Being gay is ok - as long as you don't have sex and don't get married. 

Santorum was booed when he left the conversation in New Hampshire.  Shall we throw out a boo to 'Courage' too?

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