Friday, January 20, 2012

Personal Lives

Today, asked the all important question "Should voters consider a candidate's private life?"  This comes after the debate last night and the questions to Newt about his sanctified request for an "open marriage" with his second wife.  (  He even responded to the question “I am appalled that you would begin a presidential debate on a topic like that.”

But why not ask the questions about their personal lives?  All they want to do is run our personal lives.  They all tout their ideals on abortion, same-sex marriage, taxes, health care.  All of these things effect our personal lives.  So, ask a man, who declares his support for the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman, why the hell he married three women?  Or, ask a man who says he is "Defending the Dignity of Every Human Life" (, why he is a homo-phobic gay basher?

The personal lives of America are at risk here.  Surprisingly, the voters on the Faux News poll want the questions asked.  Yes. A candidate's private life is relevant.  51.07%.  It should be 100%, but it is Faux News.

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