Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Everybody is Being Assaulted

Well, at least according the GOP candidates.  Well, not that they are talking much about the real victims of assault, however. In all of the GOP debates (all 1 million of them) "poverty and the poor has rarely come up."  (  So, it really comes as a surprise that these guys would talk about the victims of any assault without mentioning the poor.  But then again, who are the victims here?

First there are the "Religious Groups."  With the Affordable Care Act's rule that "requires all employers to cover birth controls for their workers," the guys have the panties in a ruffle:

  • MITT ROMNEY, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Remarkably, under this president's administration there is assault on religion
  • NEWT GINGRICH, GOP PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Many of you may have noticed that the Obama administration has declared war on the Catholic Church
Rick Santorum wasn't so much thinking that religion was under attack as much as he was worried the "elitist" government was going to take away his freedoms.  (

And speaking of freedoms. Santorum, who said last week he doesn't believe gay couples "benefit society", was all worried that the 9th Circuit Court "ripping" away the 7M California voter's rights in finding Prop 8 unconstitutional.  Romney says this:  "Today, unelected judges cast aside the will of the people of California."  Newtie wants to "end judicial supremacy."  So, in this case 7M California homophobes are the victims.  And it is the supreme, unelected judges who are assaulting them.  (

Not sure exactly why these guys get to decided on birth control or proper marriage - especially Newtie on that one.  But gee, there are 9 more months of campaigning, and who knows how many million more debates, and we are stuck listening to these 3.

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