Monday, January 23, 2012

Ok, Who is Spiking the Tea?

Well, that would be the tea of certain Tea Party groups out there.  It seems the Tennessee Tea Party wants to erase some 188 years of history.  You know, because it "tarnishes" the reputations of the founding fathers.  God Forbid that the children of today realize that the Fathers of yesterday were slave owners or intruded on the Indians.  (PamsHouseblend)

"A coalition of Tennessee Tea Party groups has formulated a list of 'demands'... to compel the teaching of students in Tennessee the truth regarding the history of our nation and the nature of its government." They want "no portrayal of minority experience" in history.  C'mon, the founders are just guys "who brought liberty into a world where it hadn't existed, to everybody -- not all equally instantly."  (

Well, yeah, the US Civil Rights Act didn't happen until 1964.

Wonder if the tea guzzlers are going to want to erase any history of Santorum in the next 100 years if any non-discrimination laws for LGBTs get passed here soon?

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