Friday, January 27, 2012

And This Guy Wants to be President??

There are some who refer to Republican contenders as members of the GOP Clown Car.  And looking at a few stories today, it might be that this one is the star clown.  Just imagine Newt with a big red nose and orange fluffy hair.  It fits.

The Star Clown laid out an extensive plan to have a permanent U.S. base on the moon by the end of his second term as president.  (  That's right he wants to go to the moon.  He thought it might appeal to the Florida voters, getting NASA all blasted off again.  "When we have 13,000 Americans living on the moon, they can petition to become a state."

This is not the first time the Star Clown has had some out of this world type of ideas.  Back in 1984 Newt combined his "passion for public policy and his passion for living room furniture."  His first steps in his own "Health Chair Reform".  "A personalized health chair with a diagnostic program to measure and compare all your bodily signs against your own data base. The chair could be tied into a weight-watcher's computer-based recipe program."  (

So, the circus has begun and the clown car is making its rounds.  Crazy enough that he designed a weight-watcher's chair (especially looking at his girth), but he really thinks that people are going to elect him TWO TIMES to the presidency???  (See "the end of his second term" above).

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