Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Defining Marriage

The National Organization of Marriage says on their Facebook page today that they are pledging "$250K to fund primary challenges against any Washington State GOP senator who votes to redefine marriage!"  Because God forbid that their be a definition of marriage that includes everybody.  And looking at the comments on the page, there are some folks out there who are just as batty as NOM.  Comments like this prove it: " what about equality for that parent that want to marry their child or brothers and sisters after all they love each other."  (NationForMarriage)

So, let's talk about the definition of marriage...  "A man recently married his deceased girlfriend in a combination funeral and wedding ceremony."  (  Is that a marriage?  Would NOM fight for this one?  It is between one man and one woman.  It just so happens that the one woman is dead.

Maybe NOM would spend $250K to help this guy out.  He sounds like he needs some help.

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