Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Since When...

does "preventative care" equal abortion?  Well, it seems anytime a women's health issue is discussed the anti-abortion people are right on top of it and complaining that it just gives women the right to kill babies.

Today, the Institute of Medicine recommended that birth control be free of charge under the new federal health care law.  As part of the Institute's task to determine what preventative care is, they deemed birth control as preventative.  Not just for preventing babies, but also care for "controlling hormone imbalances, reducing the severity of menstrual cramps, or dealing with acne." (MotherJones.com)

Now, Jeanne Monahan, director of the Center for Human Dignity at the Family Research Council, says that this means that the morning-after-pill will be free and that is not good since they "act as abortifacients." 

Although the National Institutes of Health and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have said that pregnancy does not begin until a fertilized egg has been implanted.  Morning-after-pills prevent the implantation.

But, since this is a women's health issue, the anti-abortionists will persist.  They would rather not have any abortions or any women avoiding pregnancy using birth control.  They would just want all the women to have to run after all those kids.

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