Wednesday, July 13, 2011

It's All About the...

Well, the first "E" word that might pop into mind would be "Economy" when we look at the debacle that is the debt ceiling discussions going on in Washington these days.  But, in reality it all comes down to another "E" word:  "Election".  The fight going on between the Dems and the GOP is definitely about who is going to get elected next year.

Most of the GOP thinks that Obama is not doing a good job.  He is going to cause Social Security Payments and Medicare coverage to end.  Which surprisingly doesn't really bother the people who would be receiving those benefits.  Obama did break records with "grass-roots support" and $86 million for his re-election campaign.  (

But the big names in the GOP aren't really worried about grass-roots America.  They will not budge on tax increases and are just daring Obama to go ahead and cut Social Security and Medicare.  Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell doesn't want a revisit of the '90s when the threat of shutting down government helped Bill Clinton get reelected.  (  And he says that he refuses "to help Barack Obama get reelected by marching Republicans into a position where we have co-ownership of a bad economy."

Don't they already have co-ownership??  He also says that his first "choice" was to do something good for the country, but his "obligation" is to his party to prevent them from "being sucked into a horrible position politically."

So all you SS recipients just have to wait and see.  As long as you know that Mr. McConnell has his "obligations" in order.

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