Monday, July 11, 2011

Equal Rights

Usually in this little box, when the title has the word "rights" in it, the story would be about LGBT rights.  Today, is different.  There is a story on the Huffington Post that points out that the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) that was passed by both houses of Congress in 1972, never became ratified and is not on the books.

As part of the rules, 38 states have to ratify an amendment for it to become part of the Constitution.  Only 35 states ratified it between 1972 and the deadline of June 30, 1982.  (  So, these 24 words don't get in:  "Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex."

I guess I was unaware that the amendment had never passed.  Although it might explain some things that are still going on in the country - certain cuts to programs for women's health.  And although it was staunchly supported by Republicans in its infancy, it seems it is the GOP who doesn't want to see it go forward now.

Looking at the comments on the HuffPost story, it seems most men don't see the need for it either.  They also think that women's rights would translate into co-ed professional basketball teams and communal showers and bathrooms.

Amazing.  Living in this male-dominated, white bread world, it is no wonder that not everybody but the male white breads get the rights.

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