Monday, July 18, 2011

The End of the World as We Know It

That's sort of what Michele Bachmann preaches.  Back in 2006/2008 (when she said it/when it was broadcast), she said we were in the "last days" and she was ok with that, ready to give to the "Jehovah God" our "times".  (

Also, in 2010 she warned that if the "United States turns its back on Israel" we will be cursed because in Genesis 12:3, God says to Abraham, "The one who curses you I will curse."  (

Bachmann has also asked for God to expand preacher Bradlee Dean’s ministry, which is incredibly anti-gay. Dean is, in fact, beyond just being anti-gay.  (He's the one who broadcast her "last days" rant in 2008) This is a man who believes that it is alright to execute lesbians and gays.  Which goes along with her husband, Marcus Bachmann, who has been "proven to practice a therapy aimed at turning gays straight."  (

So, it might not be the end of the world as Michele knows it, biblically in fact.  It definitely is her aim to make it the end of the world as most LGBT people know it.

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