Monday, July 25, 2011

The Christian Terrorist

We all have heard of the tragic events that happened over the weekend in Norway.  Anders Behring Breivik, the perpetrator of these ghastly murders, identifies as a conservative Christian.  And having "terrorized" the people in Oslo and the children at the camp, he obviously identifies as a terrorist.  That would make him a Christian Terrorist.  He has said that he killed all these people because of their allowing Muslims in the country and for the "cultural annihilation" that has happened.

He may not be the only Christian Terrorist in the world today.  Brian Fischer, from the American Family Association, agrees with Mr. Breivik.  "Much of his analysis of cultural trends in Europe and the danger created by Islamic immigration and infiltration is accurate," he says, but perhaps using public policy rather than mass murder to resolve the issues is better (?) (

Mr. Fischer has already identified danger areas.  He honestly believes and has said "Number one perpetrators of hate crimes in America: homosexual activists, gay activists, the homosexual lobby."  But as far as a terror group?  Well, the Southern Poverty Law Center classifies the American Family Association as a “hate group” right up there with the Ku Klux Klan.  (

Fischer terrorizes people. He has proposed criminalizing homosexual behavior and has advocated forcing gays into “reparative” therapy.  He thinks that gays are Nazis.  He also says 'Homosexual activist groups are pushing a lifestyle that kills'.

So, the definition of a Christian Terrorist.  Will have to see if Mr. Fischer sets a bomb or starts shooting.

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