Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's All in the Polls

According to Fox News President Obama "Could Lose In a Landslide" based on his current approval rating in the polls.  He's only getting between 42% (Gallup) and 47% (ABC News/WAPO).  Now that is better than House Speaker John Boehner and both Republicans and Democrats in Congress, all of whom are only getting 33%. (

Public Policy Polling asked the questions, and the people answered.  42% feel the Republicans are doing a worse job now that they are "in power" than the 39% who feel they are doing a better job.  Rupert Murdoch of News Corp and the hacking scandal is only get a 12%-49% approval/disapproval rating (Fox News didn't report on that one, now did they?)

But, the most shocking part of the poll might just be the part that says that God is only getting 52% approval.  That's right.  The Almighty is not quite at 100%. ( God got a 71%-5% on universe creating, 56%-11% on handling the animal kingdom and a 50%-13% on the handling of natural disasters.

So, we know what the middle class thinks of the government obviously.  And as far as creating universes, the numbers might be just right.  The little girl who got bit by the shark might just disagree with that 56% though.  She did forgive the shark.  (

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