Friday, July 1, 2011

Now who we gonna make fun of??

Well, June 30th was Glenn Beck's last Faux News show.  And for the past two and a half "tumultuous, controversial years" he did some things, wrote on some chalkboards and pretty much made him easy to laugh at.  He called President Obama a racist with a "deep-seated hatred of white people" and said he (Obama) just wanted to set the American People on fire.

And he didn't reserve his bad comments for just the president:  Beck On Morbidly Obese Americans: "I Say Let Them Die." Beck: "Politicians" Will "Sell You And Your Children Into Slavery." Beck: The "American Left" Is "Funding Terrorists Or Working With Terrorists." (

Now, Beck wants everybody to believe he is leaving Faux News because there is "more that he wanted to do."  When really it could be attributed to the 400 advertisers who dropped their support of his show.  That caused a little bit of tension between Fox News and Beck, so they parted ways. (

So now we just have to find somebody else to make fun of.  Maybe Beck will post something on his website and his GBTV that will give everybody something to laugh at.

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