The legislators in California, a state that is a major purchaser of textbooks, want to make the books "fair, accurate, inclusive and respectful". Senate Bill 48, introduced by state Sen. Mark D. Leno (D- San Francisco), would require the state’s new social study and history textbooks to include “a study of the role and contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.” (
Some folks, obviously, are not thrilled with the idea. A parent, and Sacramento School Board Member, Craig DeLuz thinks it is "requiring taxpayers to foot the bill to promote a lifestyle." The intent actually was to help students be "better informed" and perhaps "more welcoming in their approach to differences among their classmates." To stop bullying. And who knows, the books might already include some folks who were gay, but nobody knew about it.
Now, to make things more fair, the Texas House approved a budget provision promoting "family and traditional values." That is if a state college or university offers a "gender and sexuality center" that might promote "alternative sexual practices" then they have to promote the other stuff, too. (
The bill's sponsor is not "treading on the rights" to support the alternative, just that they match it, dollar for dollar, with advocating heterosexual, "traditional values." Not sure who gets to define "family and traditional values". Sort of makes it sounds like all gays don't have families or values.
Good thing we have schools to teach us these things...