Monday, April 11, 2011

A Birther, a Sideshow, a Tipper and a Law

No, they didn't walk into a bar, although parts of this could be considered a joke.  First, the Birther.  That would be Donald Trump who is sending investigators to Hawaii to find that elusive Obama birth certificate.  Senior White House adviser David Plouffe thinks that Trump's actions are merely a sideshow and he doesn't think that Trump would be hired by the American people "to do this job."  (

Now, who better to gain some media spotlight then the tipper?  With her approval rating dropping 30% since 2008 and a 10% chance in a hypothetical Republican presidential primary race, Sarah Palin could use any help she can get.  She may have finally reached her tipping point.  (  So, why not jump on Donald's coat tails - join in on the sideshow - and offer "more power to him" for his "digging in" on the subject.  Got her air time, anyway.

But, this all might be a moot point.  It seems there is a law in the State of Hawaii that an "original document itself cannot be photocopied by anyone." ( Now, an authorized copy of the document issued by the state and complete with a raised seal has been made public, but when the Birthers want a Xerox of the damned thing... then he must be Kenyan...

They should walk into a bar...

Added Faux News Fail? (From the Huffington Post)

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