Friday, April 8, 2011

Budgeting Morality

Basically that is what it is coming down to.  The fight in D.C. that is going to inevitably shutdown the U.S. Government comes down to the right-wing's stance on morality.

You see, if the government does indeed shutdown, these things will not be closed or ceased:

National Parks
Federal Courts Probation Officers
Nat'l Reconnaissance Office
Veterans Affairs
Medicare & Medicaid
House Congressional Staffers (but not Congressmen)
Visa Processing
National Institute of Health
Small Business Administration
White House Visitor Center and Gift Shop (?)

And why?  "The last part is Title X," said a senior Democratic source familiar with the talks.  Title X refers to funding for Planned Parenthood's many health services for women.  (

So, the right wingers are going to shutdown all of these things because they are against abortion, although Planned Parenthood does not use federal money for abortions.


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