Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rewarding them for their uselessness

Amazing, really, the world we live in.  People are starving, have been in earthquakes, are unemployed and not much is being done.  But others are getting their rewards for nothing.  Like why should the Jersey Shore's Snooki get $32,000 to tell kids to 'study hard but party harder?' (

Or maybe, why does Charlie Sheen get millions of twitter followers and the ability to trademark his eloquent catch phrases like "Duh, Winning" to rake in even more money.  This after his "felony offenses involving moral turpitude" got him fired from Two and a Half Men. (

And then there is the teen aged mother, who received $262,000 for promoting abstinence.  Yep, that's right.  The famous pregnant teenager - Bristol Palin - got paid that huge amount of money from Candie's Foundation- a group that promotes abstinence to teenagers. ( Heck, if you get paid that much to be a teen aged mother, maybe it is ok to forget the abstinence thing.

Why?  Good question.

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