Monday, April 18, 2011

Divert Funding

While in a situation on the Federal Government level where money is a huge issue, House Speaker John Boehner now thinks it is ok to divert funding.  And what is compelling Boehner to divert?  Defending an unconstitutional law.

Back in February, President Obama decided that the administration "cannot defend the federal law that defines marriage as only between a man and a woman."  (  He did this due to the Constitution's Equal Protection Clause and the fact that the Supreme Court has ruled that laws criminalizing homosexual conduct are unconstitutional.

Yet, Boehner now "intends to divert funding from the Justice Department to the U.S. House so Congress can defend the federal law."  He has also hired former Solicitor General Paul Clement, currently with a high-power law firm, to defend the law.  (JoeMyGod)

Interesting.  At the beginning of February, Attorney General Eric Holder announced that the DOJ was under a hiring freeze and unnecessary travel had been halted.  This made DOJ workers feel the pressure of budget cuts. (  Now, Boehner wants to divert funds from the department to pay off some high priced attorney to defend an unconstitutional law.

So... The GOP was going to generate jobs?  Well, I guess creating one lawyer job is something.  But cutting employment at the DOJ can't help much.

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