Wednesday, February 16, 2011

What's a Bieber?

That is a good question.  And one of the scariest headlines today?  "Bieber talks sex, politics and puberty." (  He was born in 1994, so of those three, the only thing he might be able to talk about is puberty, although he ain't out of it yet.  He's also unimpressed with the American health care system. (

His fans are barely out of elementary school, but they send out hateful tweets when this Bieber thing doesn't win a Grammy.  "Congrats u ppl! U just crushed a 16yr old boys dreams...hope ur proud of urselves! -_- #JustinDeservedIt" (Pop2it) A 16yr old boy??  Or maybe it is a girl talking about a 16yr old boy?

Well, Ozzy still has the best question.  "What's a Bieber?" And maybe, just have to give this Bieber thing some credit... He did respond with "I don't know, but it kind of looks like a girl." (

Good Answer

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