Thursday, February 17, 2011

You Can Google That

Google is a very powerful tool.  And with its PageRank option it is able to rank the popularity of things on the web.  The more hyperlinks to a page the more important that page is and the higher it appears on the list of Google results.  And when you are looking for something, it is best to have the most important things first.

Now, if you are planning on running for president in say the next two years, it would be very important to have your Facebook page, your campaign page or some articles about your presidential run pop up first.  But, if you have pissed off a columnist with a wide readership, you might be in a little bit of trouble.

Rick Santorum is in that little bit of trouble.  Santorum, a former Pennsylvania Senator, is planning a run in 2012.  But back in 2003 he compared homosexuality to bestiality and pedophilia.  Dan Savage, a gay, syndicated sex columnist took offense and started a contest to "memorialize the scandal" and asked his readers for suggestions for slang terms.  And the term that won:  "the frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the byproduct of anal sex."  (

So, Savage launched a website describing Santorum as the "frothy mixture" and it rose in Google rankings when bloggers linked to it.  Ahhh, the power of an algorithm.  Now, this website usually outdoes Santorum's own campaign site in search results. (

Gonna make it a bit tough to get the straight, conservative vote...

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