Thursday, February 10, 2011

Does Anybody Get To Be a Hero??

There are certain people who probably should not be lauded on license plates.  Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden probably wouldn't make it on the tail end of some cars.  But, the State of Mississippi and the Sons of Confederate Veterans think that the former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard should have his place on state license plates.

"Confederate Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest, notorious for leading a massacre of black Union soldiers and leading the KKK in its early days, would appear on the plates in 2014."  And the state's chapter of the NAACP doesn't agree.  And like Hussein and bin Laden, they think the KKK is a terrorist group.

Wonder if the Sons of Confederate Veterans realize that a 100 year old dead man can't run for president... (note the bumper sticker)

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