Friday, February 18, 2011

It's Not what is Said

It's really just who says it.  And if Michelle Obama says anything, be sure that Sarah Palin will step up and loudly disagree with her.  But this time, good Ol' Sarah should have read her own previous statements before disagreeing with Ms. Obama.

Back in 2007, as Governor of Alaska, Ms. Palin stated that the government has a "vested interest in protecting and promoting breastfeeding as a means of preventing infant malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality."   This past week, Ms. Obama said "Breastfeeding is one of the most effective preventive measures mothers can take to protect their children's and their own health."  (

Sort of sounds the same.  Protecting childrens' health would help prevent mortality.  But at a gathering of business officials on Thursday, Palin took a shot at the First Lady's breastfeeding initiative, saying it was only the high price of milk that should compel women.  (

A few questions come up with this.  Like, was there really a time that the Mama Grizzly thought that "big government" should be in the middle of a family?  Or how about, why is she talking to business officials about breastfeeding?

The biggest question, though... How much did they pay her to talk to them about it??

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