Thursday, February 3, 2011

Well, Then Ward and June Would Be Safe

Let's go back to a time when a woman's place is in the home, honoring her husband, keep the institution of marriage safe.  Let's not move forward with money being spent to protect these women from domestic violence in order to preserve and restore marriage.

Well, that is somebody's opinion, anyway.  Phyllis Schlafly is an American politically conservative activist and author who founded the Eagle Forum. (  She is also an anti-feminist.  She thinks that the 1994 Violence Against Women Act that provides $1.6 billion to increase investigation and prosecution of violent crimes against women should not be re-authorized.

Because, it is better that marriage is protected instead of any woman who is being beat up by her husband.

But, who is Phyllis Schlafly?  This is the woman who "abandoned her own family to pursue her anti-feminist/conservative career." (LezGetReal)  And as can be seen by her photo, she is older than dirt.

There must be some other things that could be cut out of the national budget besides the protection of abused women.  How about $345 billion that is currently being spent in Afghanistan? (CostofWar)

But marriage is more important than that, right?  Just ask Ward...

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