Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The GOP vs The Women

It has been a rough season for women.  House Republicans have proposed to cut Title X funds, which provided - among other things - family planning. the other things?   Well, there is also cancer screenings to help prevent breast and cervical cancer and HIV counseling.  The Title X program was signed into law in 1970 by Richard Nixon, who proclaimed that "no American woman should be denied access to family planning assistance because of her economic condition."  Now, American women can just forget it.

So, the GOP doesn't want to 'fund' family planning.  Thank Goodness they haven't given up entirely on birth control issues, though.  "A Republican representative has introduced a spending bill amendment aimed at promoting the use of contraception – by horses. ( They want to do this instead of gathering and penning the animals to keep them from over-populating.

Condoms for horses?  Interesting concept.  Then again, penning up men who sexually assault might be more effective then Planned Parenthood ever could be.

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