Monday, December 20, 2010

Amazing what you can learn on TV

Last week, the Daily KC reported on a University of Maryland study that proved that Faux News viewers were the most uninformed.  The demographics for Faux News is primarily Republican, since Faux News is spewing the GOP platforms as "news".  There were some blatant, out-and-out lies that Faux News was "reporting" to the viewers.

In light of poll results released today, one would wonder if Faux News has ever reported on Creationism vs. Evolution.  Well, obviously they have.  A quick Google search of "fox news creationism" returned "About 203,000 results (0.26 seconds)".  So that might explain the poll results.

"A new Gallup poll, released Dec. 17, reveals that 40 percent of Americans still believe that humans were created by God within the last 10,000 years."  And of those who responded, 52% of the Republicans believe in creationism.

The Wikipedia entry on "Creation–evolution controversy" states that "Within the scientific community and academia the level of support for evolution is essentially universal." 

Hmmm, maybe that 52% hasn't evolved much?

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