Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Out of (Parental) Control

A completely ridiculous story today from  "Consumer Group Sues McDonald's Over Happy Meal Toys."  Yep, that's right.  "The Center for Science in the Public Interest filed a lawsuit today against McDonald's in state court in California to stop the company from advertising toys with Happy Meals."

"Marketing to kids is an end-run around parental control," says Stephen Gardner, CSPI's director of litigation.  But wait?? What about that "parental control"?  How many children under the age of 8 are actually able to buy a Happy Meal?  Plaintiff Monet Parham, a 41-year-old mother of two from Sacramento, is just "fed up with the pestering".  So it is really worth all the time and money spent on a lawsuit so that this mom just doesn't have to say no?

Ms. Parham has other options.  Don't let the kids watch television, and definitely don't hit the drive thru.

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