Friday, December 10, 2010

But why cry about it?

On Barbara Walter's show, Oprah started crying.  "I'm not a lesbian. I'm not even kind of a lesbian," she said.  Ok, she and Gayle are just really good friends.

But, being a lesbian is nothing to cry over.  Or not being one.  Or maybe just being accused of being one.

UPDATE:  Ok, Oprah wasn't crying over spilt lesbianism.  She was crying about not having told Gayle this:  "She is the mother I never had. She is the sister everybody would want. She is the friend that everybody deserves, I don't know a better person."  Now Gayle should know. (

It's funnier before you know that, though... But when Walters asked her "But do you think that Sarah Palin is qualified to be president?"  Oprah just said she was "not going to answer that question."  That is sort of an answer

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